Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lemon Coconut Detox Body Scrub

I absolutely love body products! There are so many things on the market that promise more toned skin, lightened pigmentation, detoxing, etc. But the sad truth is that most store bought items are overly processed and filled with junk to allow the product to have a long shelf life. As a licensed Esthetician, I have access to thousands of super expensive, professional grade skin care products...and even many of those I refuse to put on my client's skin or use on myself because of the outrageous lists of ingredients. Remember that the skin is the largest organ and that anything you out on your skin will get into your system. Do you have a favorite lotion or body wash? Take a look on the back of the bottle and see what makes up the list of ingredients. Do you know what half the ingredients are? Or even how to pronounce them?!
 Why waste your money on products that ultimately end up doing more harm then good...There are so many amazing benefits from natural products that you probably already have right in your home!
Take coconut oil for instance: protects against sun damage and free radicals, prevents brown spots, improves skin tone and texture, and heals dry, cracked skin. All that with just one natural ingredient being put on your skin!
How about lemons: the acid in lemons gently exfoliates and lightens uneven skin tone, calms breakouts and is antiseptic and antifungal and promotes the growth of healthy skin cells.
Essential oils, nuts, fruits, honey, avocados, oats and so much more can do wonders for the health and appearance of your skin!
 Coconut oil has become one of my skin's best friends. Paired with the aromatic and detoxifying benefits of organic lemons, rosemary essential oil, organic shredded coconut and sea salt- my Detox Body Scrub is a weekly shower essential! Have some fun creating your own body care products!
 It can be a little time consuming, if you are a busy lady and would rather just purchase a great scrub that is 100% natural and organic, order my Scrub and pick it up in the Inspired Fitness Studio!

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